The other day, I reviewed some ideas in my craft journal and developed craft projects with flowers. And I remembered having had this idea coming...
The other day, I reviewed some ideas in my craft journal and developed craft projects with flowers.
And I remembered having had this idea coming across all those prettily
arranged flower hoops on Pinterest. I imagined how gorgeous they would look as earrings. So, I put them aside as a craft project for another time.
What I used for flower hoop earrings.
There were multiple options to add flowers to a hoop. For a time,
I considered making flowers and blossoms with polymer clay. At this point, I
can’t get them nice enough to display on earrings, and then there is the
question of putting the flowers on the hoop. Most artificial flowers are
fastened to a wire, which you can quickly wrap around the hoop and
connect other decorations without wire to the hoop.
So, I went to Hobbycraft and bought a
selection of artificial flowers, paper embellishments and beads. Not to forget
leaves and all sorts of foliage to fill.
Jewellery findings proved a little more challenging. I had the
choice between hoops you can directly wear and hoops that need to be
fastened to a hook or a pole. As I had some hoops that needed to be put on a pole,
I primarily used these.
In addition, I used some super glue and some PVA glue to fix and
add embellishments and flowers that did not have any wire or that I could not
add to the hoop with a wire.
So, here is the shopping list:
- hoops
- studs or fish hooks
- jewellery wire
- artificial and paper flowers
-beads, buttons, embellishments
- all-purpose or super glue
How I made the flower hoops.
I started with the foliage parts and left some wire to incorporate
anything that did not have a wire. That proved to be quick and easy. Because the
wire was a stable connection, I didn’t need glue for most of my
designs. So, the process was not messy, and I did not need time and space
for glued flowers to dry. I used PVA glue for some paper embellishments. I
am not keen on using superglue because everything primarily sticks to
my fingers rather than the intended surface. When I used beads, I put them on
the hoop first and then added the wired foliage and flowers. I put the wires through and around the beads to fasten them to the intended spot. I also hid the
wires in the bead holes when I finished, hiding the ends and adding stability to the structure.
To finish, I use a jump ring to connect the flower hoop to a fishhook
or a pole stud. Any is fine. However, a fishhook adds considerable
length to the earring. So, consider getting pole studs with a
loop to keep them from lying on your shoulder.
This is such a cute craft for weddings. They could complement the bridesmaid’s
outfits quite prettily, and incorporating your wedding flower and some bling is
easy. Paired with a romantic updo, these earrings could add the final
touch. I am just so in love with this idea!
What kind of earrings are you usually wearing?
I am looking forward to reading your comments.
If you created a flower earring yourself, do not
forget to tag me on Instagram @annascraftjournal
Feel free to roam about and find more ideas on this
blog. How about some more jewellery ideas?
Until I see you next time, remember: Keep colourful
and craft more :-)